One who hates disguises it with his lips, but he harbors deceit in his heart. When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, because there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred covers itself with deception, his wickedness will be revealed in the assembly. (PROV 26:24-26)

Many who are not theologically inclined or who are poorly versed in what the Bible actually says will have seen Ye's recent complaints or rants and think that he was accurately representing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and by extension, Jesus Christ, who is the Jewish Messiah, the professed saviour and Lord of many.
For some time now, Ye has expressed a desire to follow Christ and do God's work. Still, his most recent interviews espousing radical love have extended compassionate adulation towards Hitler and the Nazis. At the same time calling all Jews he dislikes pawns of Satan, he labels anyone who has clicked "like" on scantily clad Instagram model's posts equal to sexual predators, likening them to child abusers. In these interviews Here and Here, Ye concomitantly minimizes justified outrage towards child abuse glorifying Balenciaga campaign's to save lucrative relationships for Kim and friendships with Demna, their creative director, and Cédric Charbit, their CEO, as well as make his Ye24 merch retain value. Also, Ye positions his sidekick, young adult white-latino ethnonationalist Nick Fluentes, as an example of good Christian manhood, while neglecting Nick's past and blatant recent indiscretions, as with recent friendships that are filled with those who are vulgar and irreverent, who joyously say racist things online about black people, and who also laud Hitler. When all of this is placed in one black gimp hooded package, it becomes one of the worst defamations of God and Christ that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.
This descent of Ye reminds me of King Saul, the first King of Israel, who became so arrogant that he ignored God's direct commandments and then had his kingship removed by God Himself. He then, once fallen from grace, became jealous and maniacally tried to kill King David over a course of years (because David replaced him), and Saul then ultimately threw himself down upon his own sword in a final act of egoistic rebellion. The likenesses between Ye and Saul are becoming more apparent as the days progress.
On the day, following Ye's Alex Jones interview, I had a seven-point Twitter debate about why stating Hitler should be loved was a theological nightmare. I explained to several people who were defending a "love thy enemy" statement that Ye's comments were wrongly applied and did not reflect Christ's love ethic. Every one of my interlocutors became surprised, as if I had made up words from nowhere, each stating in a few variations that, "Jesus forgives sinners" and "Christians are to love their enemies," misunderstanding that said love is only directed toward the living, or that loving evil dead men is never a subject directly addressed in the New Testament (though it is briefly mentioned by extension in a few places); however, all ideas about loving those who have lived openly rebellious Godless lives fall under the category of justifying evil, period. In fact, it is one of the most frequently repeated dictates in the Old Testament, and it is also repeated frequently in the New.
Even Christ Himself declared that loving evil people was sinful (God does not love evil people; He did, after all, know the hearts of men, including who would and who would not repent). He does extend love to evil people who turn towards good though. I wasn't surprised that these debaters didn't understand, but I was saddened that so few knew this without requesting scriptural references. Today, few Christians are familiar with theology outside of pop phrases taken out of context or things that make one feel warm and fuzzy inside. Self righteousness is also a sin since it makes one believe they are more compassionate than God while professing an imperfect phoney love for everyone.

What follows is a breakdown of every time Ye committed grievous errors through words in interview. I will demonstrate how his declarations of love for Hitler and the use of God's love as a cloak became blasphemous. I will expose how he gaslit his audience when pardoning Balenciaga to protect his relationships, while demonizing basically all of his fans and removing the value of their free speech. I will show how his lack of knowledge is allowing him to mainstream a worldview that will result in innocent people being harmed when taken to its logical extent, it having a negative impact on those he claims to love, if indeed he is a Jew himself.
For Christians to speak with a focus on love is what on the surface seems exactly what is called for, for doesn't pop culture repeat the popular refrains, "love your enemies as yourself", and "Judge not lest ye be judged?", both being sayings of Christ that find their precedents in the Old Testament which was Christs' holy text written an estimated fifteen hundred years before He walked in ancient Judea, later called Syria-Palaestina after Roman rule?
But much of how Ye used this doctrine was just a cover for justifying the evil actions of Nazis and Hitler, said justification being a way for him to ultimately rebel against a social taboo that he explained as being a product of Jewish dominance. In his most recent interview with the racially controversial figure Gavin McInnes on this question he said:
"Gavin: Well, Hitler has a pretty bad reputation.
Ye: Who made that reputation? [it] was made by Jewish people.
Gavin: Well, the murdering Jews was a pretty big part of his bad reputation.
Ye: Yea, but some of it's incorrect, also the Holocaust is not the only because Jewish people control the majority of the media...they can control the narrative, history is written by the winners." (04:22)
After reading this, the question becomes: how many innocent people have to die before a man is vilified? Even if the 6 million figure was imprecise due to early twentieth-century enumeration methods, does this somehow make Hitler less guilty in Ye's opinion? Ye's response to McInnes was a combination of deflection and gaslighting.
How we know that Ye is on a quest to say the unutterable as a way to flex his fearless freedom (actually a disguised death wish, it seems) was admitted in his Alex Jones interview when he said:
"I exercise rights that are only given to whites ... I love just going up and saying hey, what do you think about this, what about that? ... say out loud what we feel, we will no longer be ran by the idea of fake influence and celebrities." (2:01:40) (sic)
So, in order to express his extreme freedom, and now feeling he has almost nothing to lose, he romanticises Hitler in order to first get under the skin of his enemies (enemies he claims to love). But not only this, he is also attracting middle-class angry white males who have been raised on 4Chan and online mic-supported multiplayer games that popularised extreme racist humour and a love for Hitler for shock value/ as an in-group identity marker.
In the McInnes interview, Nick confessed, "when I was a kid, kids loved Hitler...on 4Chan and on the internet it was very popular...there is something compelling about pride in your people and this kind of thing." (27:35) Ye wants to capitalize on white rage and approximate Christian ethics because this group is the antithesis of Liberal Wokeness, which Ye sees as a Jewish-led Marxist framework. So Ye is building a coalition.
Following is every positive instance Ye communicated about Hitler and Nazi's to prove my above point:
From Alex Jones with time code:
16:53 I see good things about Hitler, I love everyone ... Every human being has something of value they brought to the table, especially Hitler. ... Also, Hitler was born Christian.
1:19:52 I don't like the word evil next to Nazi's ... I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazi's.
2:01:40 I exercise rights that are only given to whites ... I love just going up and saying hey, what do you think about this, what about that? ... say out loud what we feel we will no longer be ran by the idea of fake influence and celebrities.
2:15:20 There were a lot of good Nazi's who were just fighting for their country, and for them Alll to be put into a box, they’re all in a box? Every Nazi's bad? Can't it be that some Nazi's were just fighting for the country?
2:16:04 There are alooott of things I Looove about Hitler, alooott of things!
2:18:19 Germany had a really good leader at one time.
2:22:45 I don't really care that much about Hitler, I love him ... I think he was a cool guy ... he didn't kill 6 million Jews, it is factually incorrect.
Gavin McInnes Interview:
25:28 Ye: Hitler was a Christian inverter.
So what does God have to say about this conduct one may ask? Well, according to the Jewish Prophet Isiahia God said, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20)
In the Alex Jones interview, Ye said, both, "I'm not the most experienced Christian"(06:21) and, "I'm the battering ram ... our collective agenda needs to serve God in what we do. ... God brought us here. (1:46:27) which means that he admits that his theology is incomplete, and that he is imprecise in how he communicates.
Following is a breadth of what the Bible actually says about loving evil people, or their evil deeds (not exhaustive):
Psalm 5:5 The boastful shall not stand before your eyes; you hate all evildoers.
Psalm 11:5 The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.
Psalm 26:5 I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked.
Psalm 97:10 O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 139:21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?
Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.
Amos 5:15 Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate
Romans 12:9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
2 Peter 2:12-17 These men are like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be captured and destroyed. … They consider it a pleasure to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, ... Their eyes are full of adultery; their desire for sin is never satisfied; ... They are accursed children with hearts trained in greed. ... These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.
According to the Apostle Peter who knew Christ personally, people can be cursed children, meaning that they were born to die without ever repenting (changing their evil ways back to goodness/disavowing past evils which can be forgiven if sought out by continual effort plus faith).
On Christ Himself hating evil individuals and their deeds:
Psalm 45:7 and Hebrews 1:9 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions
John 8:23-24 Then He told them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. That is why I told you that you would die in your sins. For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”
John 17:12 I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. (Jesus nor God loved Judas, he was born to be a sellout yet he chose on his own to fulfill his evil activity making him guilty).
Luke 13:27 And yet He will say, ‘I do not know where you are from; LEAVE ME, ALL YOU EVILDOERS.’ (Context, the final judgment. God righteously hates every remorseless spiritual criminal He judges to the second death).
Rev 2:6 Yet this you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
So we see that hating those who are called accursed children, and those who die ready for hell, this including all of their bad actions, is a positive Christian ethic. By his actions Hitler was an accursed child, he died in rebellion, was guilty of killing many faithful Jews who loved God, as with innocent kids, and then regular people who committed no crime apart from existing, and yet it is a just action to extend to Him Christs’ redemptive love while Christ Himself knows that Hitler is reserved for Hell? Such a belief if taken to its telos becomes the heresy of Universalism (the belief that all will be saved even dead enemies of God and Christ).
Did Ye show Love to his neighbour by his conduct in these interviews according to God's love?
Lev 19:17 - Jesus original context for love thy neighbour
“You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.”
The above form of love shown in this video is what Ye was seeking to communicate, but how he is going about teaching it is incorrect and even dangerous.
Christian love is interesting in that it places different obligations upon those who are within the faith, who are called brothers, and those without (a higher responsibility is placed on those within, but this doesn't detract from those outside). A general love for all is an expectation (be perfect as God is perfect, who allows the rain to fall on both the sinner and the saint, and do good to those who spitefully use you, etc.), but this includes calling out evil when witnessed and not justifying corrupt activities, ever.
The above trailer shows Neo Nazi’s who have disavowed their hatred. People who are willing to change should be supported. And even while still within hate, kindness should still be shown to them, to teach them how to leave.
Love means respecting that all are made in God's image, but this doesn't mean allowing such to blind one from a persons negative conduct. "Hate the sin, love the sinner" is often repeated today, but this is written no where explicitly, when a sinner dies in their sin, or when they blatantly blaspheme (sinning against the Holy spirit which is called the unpardonable sin: which is saying that Christ did miracles by Satan and not Hashem/God the Father), or when one confesses a life long hatred towards God (rabid atheists), praying for them, when not the unpardonable sin, becomes the correct response of love.
Love in the Bible is practising the Ten Commandments towards people and showing kindness towards their needs, it is not an emotion of caring singularly, but is an action above being an expression or feeling alone. "By this we know that we love the children of God: when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments." (1JHON 5:2-3)
Ye places enemies of God in the positions of brothers and this is why he says he loves Hitler. It’s a permissive non Christian/unholy theology.
A Vogue article titled, Has Balenciaga Controversy Gone Too Far?
Ye acknowledged protecting Kim's interests in his Drink Champs interview by refraining from disparaging her or her companies in public. He profits from Skims' success since he owns 5% of the firm, but he also cares about Kim's success because she is the mother of his children. Kim went silent for a few days after the Balenciaga news surfaced because she has been a cultural icon for the design brand for more than two years (one year officially). She has a contract that requires her to appear in editorials and wear their apparel in public. I don't know how much this contract is worth, but I'm assuming it's in the millions.
What I've seen is that when Ye has a personal stake in anything, he conveniently excuses wrongdoing or downplays it, before then using God as a shield to silence his critics, all in an effort to secure or defend his earlier investments. Conflicts of interest exists, and this sort of behavior is abhorrent whenever corporations engage in it (absent the religious angle), but to Ye maxi’s, whenever he engages in it, he is merely defending the rights of black peoples free speech, which enigmatically always results in his pockets being stuffed. What Ye stated on Balenciaga's child abuse issue in his two most recent interviews is as follows:
Alex Jones with time stamps:
04:20 When a grown man is looking at a grown woman having sex on camera, you're still looking at someones daughter, and you're looking at a lot of times someones who's the product of p-philia ... but in a way, anyone who looks at pornography is a form of p-phile also.
1:44:10 People making videos about it, it just seems like more noise and mayhem, code red and things to get people outraged, every form of pornography is only 10 years away from p-philia, anybody who is watching pornography ... she is re-living the trauma of being m*lested. Like a great majority of women who end up being strippers or prostitutes ... have gone through the trauma of experiencing p-phila.
1:47:40 I think so, I'm friends with the head designer, I believe it was a set up, I think it was a hit job. and all of a sudden everyone is so outraged and focused about Balenciaga but then we're still aborting our kids, fornicating, killing each other, listening to music that promotes that, but we don't wear Balenciaga now? Shut the hell up! at the end of the day all you're doing is throwing stones. Omg, but our moral code, we just cheated on our wives, we just fornicated, we just had threesomes ... but we don't like Balenciaga, shut up ... everyone involved in any version of the sex business is as bad as the pedophile, so everyone shut up.
(The aforementioned is false. There are numerous roles taken in the sex industry that hold lesser or greater judgments, and even in the Bible, some deeds carry a death sentence while others needed special sacrifices to atone for. Unrepented sin will all be condemned, but endangering a child is not the same as seeing images of naked bodies. Sins committed against one's body, such as fornication, also differ from those committed against others. Ye urging people to "shut up" is simply a nag, a protection mechanism (more on this following quotations).
1:45:55 So people who have this moral code about p-phila but not strip clubs and pornography etc, the bible said all of it is wrong. (close paraphrase).
McInnes with stamps:
37:45 These women are the products of p-hilia, so if you are watching porn you are a p-phile also, you are contributing to p-hilia because you are watching someones daughter.
39:57 there are so many predators online, anyone who likes a photo of a women half naked with the string up her butt is a sexual predator.
In these statements, Ye sidesteps the direct issue by gaslighting his audience. He conveniently pardons the campaigns by mixing outrage about the sexualization of children with the problems of adult pornography use, or, adult consensual acts of premarital sex, and or unjust sexual relationships during marriage. Because child abuse materials are of a specific and illegal category type, what legal-aged "teens" sell on Onlyfans is not the same as children holding bondage teddy bears nor set designers displaying art books with purposefully shocking artistic images of bloody toddlers within.
Ye defends Demna because he believes he is the world's best creative director (which almost everyone in high fashion who isn't on Kering's payroll and are then forced to lie know is untrue; he is a one-trick pony who uses outrage to gain notoriety, which translates into attention and thus sales).
Ye admitted wanting Demna to work for Yeezy, so protecting him is the protection of a future asset. So, Ye is placing personal friendships before uprooting cultural normalisation of child abuse by saying no one can judge Balenciaga because said "complainers" likely watch porn, which Ye then likens to child abuse materials because every woman is someone's daughter. And I also suppose, by this logic, that no man should ever get a wife either, because all wives are daughters? Who falls for this stuff?
The assumption that all porn actresses have experienced childhood abuse is spurious, and this says nothing about the amount of free nudity that saturates the web by people with web cams due to our pornified culture, etc. His excuses just won’t fly here, and neither am I justifying porn usage as a public good.

There are also sliding scales even within Christian moral contexts of what is offensive yet not sinful, to what is a sin worthy of death, to what’s a mistake. God has very distinct mores on sexual ethics and I assure you that He places heightened importance on the protection of children. The worst part about Ye’s hoop jumping to pardon Balenciaga is how he uses a bastardized version of, “don't cast the first stone”, while all he ever does to people who’ve slighted him is cast stones, to which he then conveniently hides behind the shield of “Christ loves me”, or, “my hate is truly love speech”, making criticisms good when he’s flinging them no mater how heinous, but bad for you no matter how just.
Images of people in swimsuits on Instagram are not human trafficking, getting into their DMs and saying, "Hey, I’m Ye, I’ll fly you out and buy you a closet full of Balenciaga" is human trafficking though. Regular people don't use IG as a place to find prostitutes, this is a celebrity thing, and if people do this, it’s for their conscience to fathom, but please do not say this issue is the same as Balenciaga making light of children being sexualized.
Another thing that must be added is that Juliana Nalu who is the 24 year old Brazilian model who’s now Ye’s ex (she broke up with him because of his Hitler comments), was just two weeks ago walking around in a full sheer net-bodysuit with a thong that was basically see-through. She was practically naked for all to see, including children if they happened to drive by with family.
Ye has had all of his serial love interests (which is sinful, especially when not yet divorced: but "Xhrist forgives, aka, allows me" says Ye, walking around basically naked, and now we’re supposed to take him as some moral guide? Threesomes at night while teaching a choir of children and recording gospel songs in the morning Ye? Flirting with THOTS at Drink Champs on livestream, Ye? You're talking about your dad’s girlfriend having new breasts you brought her while being a so called Christian leader, Ye? God’s name shouldn't be in your mouth until you’re worthy; you are not a teacher but a C student.
But Ye says it best: “You can’t take all the supermodels, don't take the supermodels! ... This is love speech .. I love Jewish people, I love super models.” (Jones. 2:36:40)
I’m going to keep this sections short. In the McInnes interview Ye said,
19:20 If you don't believe in Christ you should have no influence in government.
20:20 Jews don't deserve to be in charge of everything, and should work for Christians.
His ideas are part of Chan culture and pseudo-intellectual racist circles. The world was once run by Catholics and it resulted in Cancel Culture by sword. Noble people, proper structures, an ethical populous and low corruption are the only thing to save the future.

A desire for Christian dominance is popular in White pseudo-Christian EthnoNationalist circles. Sadly, the Bible does not agree with Ye again. And, it says that the people who run the world are appointed by God. Nick Fluentes has a following called the Groypers who are young fringe conservatives who believe that whites shouldn’t marry outside of their race, that American borders should be closed, that Race realism exists etc. His group is crypto neo nazi but they are not rabid like the old school White Supremacists, and even some staunch racists think Nick and his group sellouts for how much they embrace other people groups/degenerate cultures.
Ye is using Nick as his in to collect the untapped white racist demographic for not only votes, but also sales because he’s burned so many other bridges. Nick clings to Ye because Ye is famous, him being black doesn’t matter as long as he can serve as a Trojan horse to mainstream White pseudo-Christian EthnoNationaism. Once this kind of antisemitism and race realism is mainstreamed, all of the other characters with very large gamer followings and YouTube channels will slink from the shadows and attempt to foist their true beliefs upon the world. But the racist far right is not a monolith, there are grades of racism within it.
If these people do turn out to become violent, Jews will be targeted, and if Ye claims to be Jewish, those like him will become victimized.
So to summarize everything up until now: Ye had a temper tantrum for only getting one Gap store, he ruined his deal with Gap because he didn’t get what he wanted. He then called out execs at Adidas because they were allowing his designs to be referenced, so he then said racist things about Jewish business leaders which began his loss with Adidas. He then dropped the Defcon Tweet and lost everything substantial including Balenciaga. He then decided to publicly run for President and has been collecting white rage to use as a weapon against what he calls the Jewish establishment. Under the guise of free speech, Christian ethics and cancelling cancel culture, he will mainstream neo nazism and far right ideology so his enemies cannot use Cancel culture tactics due to large numbers of rebels creating millions of offensive fires - in short - Ye is willing to let the world burn in order to remedy a bruised ego. All of this could have been avoided if he practised real Christian principles. King Saul returns.